hypertexxtCMS Knowledge Management

hypertexxtCMS Knowledge Management

hypertexxtCMS is a semantic, highly flexible, fast, super-lightweight, and 100% text/XML-based content management and website creation system that can be adapted to fit most needs and purposes.

Based on this innovative semantic approach, we develop custom solutions for a variety of purposes. Meaningfully structured content opens a host of new possibilities from Single-Source Publishing, to fast and secure websites, and flexible data exchange, even between different "digital worlds."

Adaptable Architecture for Diverse Digital Outputs

At the core of hypertexxtCMS is a conceptual framework designed around a flexible XML structure, which serves as the backbone for a vast array of digital outputs. This flexibility allows for the use of customizable XSLT scripts that empower users to code and create diverse end products—from fully-functional websites and detailed web pages to comprehensive documents and robust database content.

The adaptable nature of hypertexxtCMS means it can meet varied digital needs, making it an excellent choice for projects requiring a high degree of customization and scalability.

Innovative Content Management through Customization

hypertexxtCMS revolutionizes content management by leveraging the power of its XML-based framework to offer unparalleled customization and extendibility. Users can develop unique XSLT scripts that tailor the system's output to precise specifications, ensuring that each project's specific requirements are met with precision.

This approach not only enhances the flexibility and relevance of your content across different media but also significantly improves workflow efficiency. With hypertexxtCMS, the potential to innovate is limitless, offering users the tools to turn creative concepts into practical realities efficiently.

Single-Source Publishing

Our Single Source Publishing services enable you to present your publications immediately and simultaneously in different media on- and offline.

Add qualitative value to your text-based information by working with the information contained in your text documents the same way you would with a relational database! You gain all the benefits of a genuinely structured data and can leverage all the same efficient procedures on it: automatic linking, visualization, layout-independent presentation, economical storage, efficient normalization, and many more.

Instantly convert larger text documents into professionally designed web sites, books, software help systems, and many more--without locking into a specific proprietary data format or software package!

Traditional vs Intelligent Content Management

We are also versed in and implement and manage traditional Content Management systems such as Joomla, Drupal, Typo3, WordPress, Mobirise.

But your content deserves much more than being permanently "frozen" in such traditional and ultimately restrictive systems.

Our own hypertexxtCMS system offers much more freedom and flexibility in that it combines semantic markup with sophisticated, freely malleable logic across media boundaries. This website in front of you, for example, was built securely with hypertexxtCMS.

Discover How We Can Enhance Your Operations.

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