Innovative Solutions for Qualitative Data

Innovative Solutions for Qualitative Data

Are you involved in qualitative research, analyzing text, image, and video data? If you use software packages such as MaxQDA, NVivo, Dedoose, ATLAS.ti, F4analyse, QDA Miner, Quirkos, or Transana, you will know that these programs support the REFI-QDA standard. If you've ever pondered how to integrate and utilize your research results within broader business intelligence frameworks or other quantitative data environments, where standard tools for data analysis and visualization are applied, we have the solution.

The REFI QDPX format was specifically designed to enhance the interoperability of qualitative research software. Our innovative approach enables the effective use of this qualitative data in quantitative and business environments, bridging the gap between diverse data analysis disciplines.

NEW SERVICE: Utilize Qualitative Data in Quantitative Analysis

NEW SERVICE: Utilize Qualitative Data in Quantitative Analysis

Utilize Qualitative Data in the Quantitative Data World

  • You collect and analyze qualitative data?
  • You need to utilize the results of your studies in a non-qualitative environment?
  • We can convert your projects to most common structured data formats, such as CSV, XLSX, JSON, XML, and even directly to Tableau.


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