Compiled Help - CHM Services

Compiled Help - CHM Services

We CREATE Compiled Help documents, manuals and help systems, and we CONVERT existing CHM documentation and help systems to contemporary formats like HTML5, Markdown, PDF and XML.

CHM Conversion to HTML5, PDF, & XML

Convert your legacy Compiled HTML (CHM) files into accessible, modern web and mobile-friendly formats.

At CHM-PRO, we excel in converting Compiled Help documentation into HTML5, PDF, and XML formats that enhance usability and accessibility. Whether you need to update software manuals, integrate help files into modern applications, or ensure compatibility with contemporary devices, our conversion services are designed to meet your unique needs.

Key Features:

  • Conversion from Compiled HTML (CHM) to HTML5, PDF, XML
  • Enhanced Accessibility and Usability of Compiled Help Files
  • Support for Multiple Devices and Platforms
  • Maintenance of Original Document Integrity

CHM Authoring Services

Create detailed and comprehensive Compiled HTML Help (CHM) files from a wide array of source materials, including MS Word, Open Office, Markdown.

Despite the advent of newer technologies, CHM remains a valuable format, especially in contexts where standalone, reliable, and comprehensive help systems are required. Its ability to compile substantial information into a single file that is easily navigable and does not rely on internet connectivity makes CHM uniquely suited for software documentation, particularly for environments where security or legacy support is paramount. CHM files continue to be extensively used in industries such as software development, engineering, and technical fields where robust and integrated help systems are critical.

At CHM-PRO, our CHM authoring services go beyond mere technical conversion. We engage deeply with your source material to understand its intricacies and ensure that the final CHM files are not only technically proficient but also rich in content and easy to navigate. Our team works closely with your content experts to craft help files that are tailored to your needs and resonate with your target audience.

Key Features:

  • Deep editorial engagement with source materials
  • Creation of rich, accessible CHM files
  • Content structuring and navigational design
  • Integration with existing documentation systems

CHM Projects

Seeking a reliable CHM professional to oversee single projects or manage ongoing updates to your help systems and documentation?

CHM-PRO is your trusted partner. Whether you need expert assistance for a specific project or continuous support to keep your help systems current and effective, our CHM project services are tailored to meet your unique needs. We excel in creating and maintaining state-of-the-art CHM systems that integrate perfectly with your existing technological framework.

Key Features:

  • Custom CHM Development for Specific Projects
  • Ongoing CHM System Updates and Maintenance
  • Integration with Existing IT and Documentation Systems
  • Expert Consultation on Best Practices in CHM Implementation

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