Data Engineering, Data Analytics + Business Intelligence

Data Engineering, Data Analytics + Business Intelligence

Your company or organization generates data of various kinds in your business activities, but so far hardly puts them to use or uses them only in isolation because their consolidation is difficult and complex. We can help you unearth the treasures hidden in your raw material so that they can be used meaningfully and profitably.

DAAS - Data Analytics as a Service

We are one of the first providers of data analytics as an external service.

While maintaining a dedicated data analytics staff is standard operating procedure in large corporations, smaller or new businesses do not typically get to leverage this essential tool for a lack of resources.

We offer our customers a full set of data analytic services, encompassing the three central areas:

  • Data management and pre-processing ("cleaning")
  • Multi-faceted data visualization (not as final "product" but as a central analytical step), and
  • Summarization of the findings.
  • We can assist you with end-to-end data projects in Tableau, help you integrate Tableau in your business processes, and even train you or your staff in the use of this mighty tool.

    Tableau - Projects + Training

    Tableau is the leading software for data analysis and data visualization. Its particular strength is that it functions as a universal interface to data of almost any kind.

    You may already know how important Tableau is today for centrally aggregating even the most disparate data, viewing it in its entirety in an innovative way, and then deriving meaningful decisions from it.

    If you want to harness the incredible power of Tableau for your data, we're here to help with our expert knowledge.

  • We conduct Tableau-based projects for you,
  • help you integrate Tableau into your operations, and
  • enhance your skills with this great tool through training/coaching.
  • Data Engineering + Data Management

    In order to be able to comprehensively display and understand data, it must first be meaningfully merged and suitably prepared.

    Useful and usable data doesn't just happen by itself. Raw data is often - well - raw. It needs to be "cleaned", merged, processed and prepared before it can be used in a meaningful way.

    We get your data ready for the intended use.

    Below you will find a list of typical data formats that probably occur in your company in one form or another, but are hardly ever merged and analyzed together:

  • Spreadsheet applications (e.g. Excel, Open Office, Libre Office, Google Sheets, Numbers, Zoho Sheets)
  • Local or "static" database systems (e.g. MS Access, Google Forms, sqLite, dBase)
  • SQL databases/database servers (including Microsoft SQLServer, MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB, MariaDB, PostgreSQL)
  • Text-based data files (e.g. csv, json, xml, python/pandas dataframes)
  • Log and analytics data (e.g. web server logs, Google Analytics, custom logs of various applications)
  • Web/cloud-based applications (e.g. Amazon/AWS, Salesforce, cleverbridge, GoogleDB)
  • Qualitative Data - Now Made Useful!

    Do you work with one of the popular professional qualitative data analysis programs, such as maxQDA, dedoose, nVivo or ATLAS.ti?

    All of these tools are great for their respective tasks. But unfortunately they are not nearly as good in the real data world:

  • They permanently lock away your important data into their own proprietary ecosystems.
  • They are designed purely for use in a "social science" context, not for business use.
  • They do not allow the data they produce to be meaningfully integrated into the world of actual data science.
  • This limitation is now a thing of the past!

    We can not only convert your project data from QDA programs into universally usable formats (e.g. xslx, csv, xml, sql), but also enrich them with entirely new dimensions by combining them with other data.

    This means that you can finally integrate and use your QDA/QACDAS data in a professional data context.

    Fully utilize formerly unstructured data in real-world database and analytics frameworks, apply professional BI tools to it, and tell impressive visual stories from QDA and tabular business data.

    We convert your QDA project to any database format. Or directly to Tableau.

    Business Intelligence Services

    Business Intelligence Services

    Visit - Data services for small and medium-size businesses

    Professional Tableau Services

    Professional Tableau Services

    Visit - Tableau projects, implementation and training


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